Home / Events / Country holds Story with Aunty Loretta Parsley – Yila Healing Trail
Join us for this gathering on the beautiful coastline of South Durras.
The richest stories are both bright and dark and contain lessons for us all.
Join Aunty Loretta Ethel Parsley, Walbunja Yuin Elder and custodian of Country. She is a prolific artist and storyteller, she is a knowledge holder of Aboriginal family history and the history of Country.
Aunty will share stories that have always guided relationship to Country here and experiences of the colonial imposition that have deeply impacted her direct family and all First Nations people.
The beautiful tapestry of stories and songlines that help protect and regenerate this Country inform our relationship to where we are. Aunty will share the notion of Invisible Places and why they need to be respected and left undisturbed.
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